ਅਜੇ ਵੀ ਜਨਮ
The link between supine sleep in late pregnancy and stillbirth can be biologically explained; sleeping in a supine position during late pregnancy causes the uterus to compress the inferior vena cava and the aorta which causes an 85% reduction in blood flow through the vena cava at its origin and approximately 30% reduction at the aortic bifurcation. This compression diverts the blood into the collateral venous circulation which results in a decrease in stroke volume by 11–25% and a decrease in cardiac output by 9–29%. This in turn leads to a reduction in uterine and placental perfusion and fetal oxygenation [4]. A study published in The Lancet concluded that 5.8% of stillbirths could be prevented if women in their late pregnancies slept in a lateral position rather than supine [4].