Reimbursed by most

health insurance providers.

The PrenaBelt® includes 1 belt and 7 accessories.
Buy the PrenaBelt®

What the experts say:

"The PrenaBelt® made it much more comfortable to sleep during the third trimester. I enjoyed being able to customize it as my needs changed."

Rebecca, MD, ObGyn, Toronto

What the experts say:

"I’m a surgeon, so I’m always on my feet... I have found the PrenaBelt® so helpful during long cases!"

Olivia, DMD, OMF Surgeon, Toronto

What the experts say:

"저는 이제 38주입니다! 저는 PrenaBelt를 사랑합니다. 특히 병원에 대기 중일 때나 수술을 하고 오랜 시간 서 있을 때 그렇습니다."

Elise, MD, ObGyn, Ottawa

What the experts say:

"PrenaBelt는 정말 훌륭했습니다. 감사합니다! 긍정적인 말만 하고 예정대로 37주까지 하루 종일 활동할 수 있었다. 아기는 39주에 왔어요."

Brenna, MD, ObGyn, Toronto


The PrenaBelt® is a 3-in-1 pregnancy pillow, maternity belt, and thermal pad for pregnancy and postpartum. With its seven included accessories, the PrenaBelt® is designed to fit and continuously adapt to your changing body.

During sleep, the PrenaBelt® provides support to keep you comfortable on your side and help you avoid sleeping flat on your back. The PrenaBelt® stays on all night long and does not require you to adjust or reconfigure it when you leave and return to bed.

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